This is AUSCON Steampunk Dorothy from Guild of Harmony Miniatures, sculpted by Sebastian, and painted by Anne Cooper (me) . This is the first in a range of miniatures that will be released for each AUSCON event following a steampunk bent starting with Dorothy and continuing along the Wizards of OZ theme. Dorothy is 32mm and cast in resin. This figure is the chosen mini for Coolminiornot's Contest 25 paint contest, and this is my version of her. I was picturing her incorporating the emeralds of the Emerald City somehow into her inventions and weaponry. If you are feeling inclined to vote, it's appreciated, here is the link: , thanks!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Female Paladin from Darksword Miniatures
Sculpted by Jeff Grace, painted by Anne Cooper. I started painting this at Reapercon and finished it up for the Dark Sword paint contest at
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Corim the Kestrel, Gnome Sorcerer
Corim the Kestral, Gnome Sorcerer, from Reaper Miniatures, sculpted by Derek Schubert, painted by Anne Cooper. I did some conversions to the original figure as per customer request, changing the sword to a wand, and adding a potion to his left hand, as well as some additional pots in the foreground. The bulldog pup is also from Reaper Miniatures, Familiar Pack IV. Painted for private commission.
Stone Golem
Stone Golem from Reaper Miniatures, sculpted by James van Schaik, painted by Anne Cooper. I painted him to look more like a crystal golem, and did a bit of converting to the original sculpt, adding crystals and removing the mouth (a psionic creature communicates telepathically) as per the customers requests. Painted for private commission.